viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

My encounter with a pop tart

I knew the day would arrive. It was useless to deny it.

He, a lovechild between a pie and a piece of toast, typically american, me, a stranger in a new country, looking for confort.

I knew I should not, at the same time I was curious, all those people can not be wrong.

It was brief, and although I expected not to enjoy it, I was proven wrong right from the beginning.

He was so much better than I could have ever imagined.

I know it can not happen again. We are not ment to be. He is way too complicated with words like "niacinamide" and "sodium acid pyrophosphate". I like things simple and natural.

But the memory will stay.

Next time someone mentions him I will not say a thing, just smile slightly and remember the sweet moment.

2 comentarios:

  1. haha, i love it! i'm not sure which kind you tried, but brown sugar and cinnamon is my favorite (though i never really eat them). also, not that this makes them tooo much better, but there are organic versions - sans all the words you can't pronounce. :)

  2. Darling... let's go for the organic versions!!!
